Mummy's home! Friend takes Flynn to meet Miranda Kerr at the airport...


Delighted to be reunited: Miranda Kerr and her darling boy Flynn beamed after being reunited at JFK on Thursday after her trip to Paris for Fashion Week

She walked the catwalk for Chanel, rubbed shoulders with the cream of the high fashion world and stayed in a five star hotel slap bang in the middle of one of the world's most beautiful cities.
But for Miranda Kerr, Paris Fashion Week and all its delights has nothing on New York and returning to the son she adores.
The 30-year-old's face was a study in joy as she was greeted by a friend and her two-year-old boy Flynn at JFK airport.

My boy! Miranda nuzzled her two-year-old after climbing in the car

Come to mama! Miranda clasped her boy to her bosom after their time apart

So happy: Flynn got to stay up later to welcome his beautiful mother home

Anticipation: Miranda looks delighted as she heads to her waiting car

It's all over! Miranda Kerr looks a little glum as she checks out of Le Bristol Hotel after Paris Fashion Week

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